
 Adjusting PHP.INI File to Increase Size Limit

Video TutorialExplainationThe php.ini file is the configuration file for running applications...

 Google SMTP Server – How to Send Emails for Free

Google's Gmail SMTP server is a free SMTP service which anyone who has a Gmail account can use to...

 How To Fix 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress?

In this article, we will show you how to fix the internal server errors in WordPress. The...

 How to Connect to the MYSQL Database Remotely?

Allowing remote MYSQL connections is often done to enable a program on your personal computer to...

 How to Disable Directory Listing Using .htaccess?

In this article, we’ll describe how to disable directory listing using .htaccess file. Directory...

 How to configure your domain email on Gmail app ?

Log in to cPanel using your username and your cPanel password at,...

 How to disable mod security using htaccess file?

Mod_security is an apache module that helps to protect your website from various attacks.It is...

 How to fix failed to retrieve directory listing error in FileZilla FTP?

When using FileZilla to connect to your FTP if you encounter an error like this: Status:...

 How to run the MySql performance tuning script for the cPanel server?

Follow below steps and run the mysql performance tuning script on your cPanel server -1. cd...

 PHP mail() and SMTP Authentication

Sending an email from a PHP script is simple, fast and easy...if it works! Part of what makes...

 Prevent Brute Force Attacks in WordPress

A brute force attack is a trial-and-error method in which the hackers aim to gain access to a...

 WordPress Login - Brute Force Attack

Recently, there was a worldwide, highly distributed WordPress attack. This attack was known for...

 cPanel >> MySQL Databases page shows "The MySQL server is currently offline. adminbin Cpanel/cpmysql/DBCACHE: exit 255"

Symptoms When accessing cPanel >> MySQL Databases you receive an error with the following:...