

Articles related to vnc viewer


 Error when you try to RDP to a Windows VM in Azure: CredSSP encryption oracle remediation

To solve cressp error while login in windows server using RDP, you need to install security...

 Exim mail bounce back - retry time not reached for any host after a long failure period

If using cPanel with CentOS, as root user run the following:cd /var/spool/exim/dbrm -f retry...

 How to Backup and Restore Individual cPanel Account via SSH?

Backing up your hosting account is very necessary for your business to survive on Internet....

 How to Install CSF firewall in cPanel?

CSF firewall is fairly easy to install and require only few steps through SSH. Please follow the...

 How to Set Time, Timezone and Synchronize System Clock Using timedatectl Command?

The timedatectl command allows you to query and change the configuration of the system clock and...

 How to access VPS by SSH for first time?

You need to download latest version of Putty.exe file here: Open...

 How to access server via Remote Desktop (RDP)?

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft, which provides a...

 How to change SSH Port in CentOS?

Connect to your server via SSH as root user. Run the following command: vi...

 How to change server root password using SSH or VPS Portal?

Connect to your server via SSH as root user. Enter the command:passwd Type your password,...

 How to configure and use Linux Server as GUI desktop ?

Linux admins spend most of their time on working in a terminal; there are some who like to work...

 How to install Let’s Encrypt on CentOS 7 with Apache?

Today, we will show you, How to install Let’s Encrypt on CentOS 7 with Apache. Let’s Encrypt is a...

 How to manage your VPS server from Clientarea?

You can manage your VPS by just login into Client area > Navigate to **[Service Section]...

 How to reinstall your VPS?

You can reinstall your OS by just login into Client area > Navigate to **[Service Section]...

 How to take backup of all cPanel accounts using SSH?

Use the /usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup script to run a manual backup in WHM via the command...

 Install VPS using ISO image

User can set an ISO using the configuration menu.Following are the steps to set an ISO for a VPS...

 Install cPanel/WHM on Linux Centos 7 Server

cPanel is a web hosting control panel developed by cPanel, L.L.C., an American corporation. The...

 Resetting Administrator Password in Windows 2012

Instructions To reset the password on your Windows 2012 server, simply complete the following...

 What is the requirements to Buy Pakistan Hosted VPS?

We Provide Pakistan Hosted VPS Servers only to Pakistani Customers. VPS Servers are hosted in...

 cPanel/WHM - Exim Useful Commands

Exim CheatSheet To check the number of emails present in the queue: # exim -bpc...