How to register custom domain name servers?

Some users may not want to use the default name servers; thus, want to use their own which is connected to their domain name. VPS, Dedicated Server and Reseller hosting plans can use their own custom name servers. Please be guided by the instructions from this article on how you can register custom domain name servers for your account.

Domain registered with SKYHOST

How to add new Name Servers

Step 1. Log in to your Account Manager.

Step 2. Click ‘Domains’.

Step 3. Choose the domain that you wish to update name servers.

Step 4.  Locate Name Servers and click the ‘Private Nameservers’ menu.

Step 5. Select “Register a NameServer Name”.

Step 6. Enter your desired name servers. is the customized name server and add your assigned IP address of your Reseller, VPS or Dedicated Server hosting package. Click +Add Name Server to add more than 1.

Step 7. Click “Update”.

You may also refer to the welcome email you have received upon the purchase with the subject “New Server Information”.

Creating Nameservers (as an A record)

  1. Login to the cPanel for the domain you want included in the Nameservers. For example if you want to create:, you would login to the cPanel for
  2. On the left side of cPanel under stats, locate and copy your Shared IP Address. You may have to click the expand stats link.
  3. Under Domains select Zone Editor and then + A Record. Older cPanels will use the Advanced DNS Zone Editor instead.
  4. In Advanced Zone Editor, in the Add a Record section, fill in the fields as needed for each nameserver you want to create. Below is a brief example of what to enter in the fields.

    Field NameExample
    Name Enter the nameserver you want to setup here, for example:
    TTL You can enter any positive number here, but I recommend entering 14400, which is quite standard across the industry.
    Type Select A
    Address Enter the Shared IP you viewed earlier in cPanel (in step 1).


    For Zone Editor, simply add the name and IP address.

    e.g. ns1 and IP Address, ns2 and IP Address

    After filling in the fields, click the Add Record button. You may see a message stating Added record.

Assigning Nameservers in WHM

  1. Login to WHM.
  2. In the left navigation menu, click Server Configuration, then click the Basic cPanel & WHM Setup
  3. You will then see the current nameserver assignments.

    Enter your new nameservers, and click the Save Changes button. You will then see a message stating Your account’s nameservers have been set to and system has no free IPs.

How to check if the nameservers are working?

Step 1. Create a cPanel account with a domain name that is using the costumed name servers in WHM.

Step 2. Add the domain name, username of the cPanel account, password and email address.

Step 3. When you scroll down to the DNS Settings area, the created nameservers are found there.

Step 4. Once the cPanel account is created, a confirmation page will show your cPanel credentials.

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our support team

  • custom nameservers
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