Configuring the 'WP Mail SMTP' plugin


  1. In the WordPress dashboard, click 'Plugins > Add New' in the left pane.
  2. Search for wp-mail-smtp. It can also be found here.
  3. Click the Install button, then Activate. 
  4. After it's installed and activated, navigate to the 'Plugins' page in your WordPress dashboard.
  5. Click the 'Settings' link under the plugin.
  6. Fill in the following fields:
    • From Email - Enter the email you wish to send FROM
    • Force From Email - Check this box
    • From Name - Enter a name you'd like to appear as being sent FROM
    • Force From Name - Check this if you wish to force the FROM name
    • Mailer - Choose 'Other SMTP'
    • Return Path - Check this box

  7. Scroll down to the 'Other SMTP' section. Make sure to toggle the 'Authentication' button.Click the Save Settings button.
    • SMTP Host -
    • Encryption - None
    • SMTP Port - 25
    • Username - Enter your Domain email address
    • Password - Enter your email address password

  8. Your form will now send FROM the email you entered above.

The plugin mentions that you should add the following lines to your wp-config.php file.

define( 'WPMS_ON', true );
define( 'WPMS_SMTP_PASS', 'your_password' );

Do not add these. Adding these will prevent the plugin from sending.

Testing the plugin

Scroll to the top and click the 'Email Test' tab. Click the Send Email button to test. You should see it was sent successfully.

  • smtp, phpmailer, mail
  • 2 Users Found This Useful
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